Well another year over and a new one just beginning! What is it about this time of year that we get all excited to start over? This year I don't want to start over; I want to pick up where 2013 left me off :) 2013 was good to us... I didn't see it that way all through the year, but as I sit and reflect on it now, I can see how very much I've grown! I was blessed with 3 yes 3 good jobs, and may I add I choose to leave them, not the other way around, lol.
First my bus driving job with USAirport Parking that my sweetheart of a kid named Zack help me get. I LOVED driving that bus and I was good at it, unfortunately my back disagreed with all those suitcases. My best memory of that job was taking a load of cowboys to the airport for the National Finals Rodeo in Vegas; well I guess I must have been pretty close to a curb and a TREE, so they were taking bets on if I took out the tree or just the curb. I told them just to hang on I wasn't taking out anything, when I made it without a scratch or a curb check, they all clapped and one said "Guess this ai'nt her first rodeo!" I sooooo loved meeting all the people! Learned from that job, I CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!!
Second was my job with my beautiful Binney Water Purification Facility as an Administrative Assistant.... How Blessed was I to get that job with the help of my beautiful friend Carrie. I will never forget all I learned there and how very much I loved all my co-workers at the plant. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, I love being HOME! The long days and tired evenings and all weekend playing catch up left me feeling like I had no life, no horse time and no family time, so time for a new change it was!!! The part I hated about leaving Binney was my boss, He gave me the most beautiful card that I treasure to this day. And it wasn't just him but all the guys there, what a amazing Plant City of Aurora has in those guys... I wish they knew that!!!
Now for my third job of 2013, working for Sykes. I think I've found a pretty good fit here, working from home I can get my house in order a little bit each day and my weekends are FREE to do whatever it is I want to do, I can feed horses when Jeff is out plowing and most of all, I am in my favorite place in the world, my home! Now I know lots of you women out there love working outside the home but it has never been for me I guess. Hence the daycare I ran from home for 22 years, not only ran but LOVED running, I cried for 2 years when I stopped. So Sykes (or Alpine Access) is going to be a good long fit I believe, and I have the freedom to go part time later if I choose, and I can do it if or should I say when Jeff and I move to Heather Gardens, lol! Or even traveling in the 5th wheel if that is where life (and God) take us.
So I'm not kicking 2013 OUT the door, I'm thankful for all I have learned this year, I've let some relationships that hurt me in the past not hurt so much anymore and Jeff and I plan on working real hard on trying to revamp and rethink our business this year.
2013 brought us great new memories with our family and grandkids, wow what a BLESSING grandkids are!!!! I know those will continue in 2014, AND my mom is moving to COLORADO, so we have 30 years of being apart to catch up on, whoo hoooooo!!!!
So I say so long 2013 thank you for an amazing year! And Hello 2014, I can't wait to see what you hold in store for this girl, I do know it will be amazing also!!!
Happy New Year!!!!