I've been thinking lately about the different changes we go through in life, and the way I see it is this; we have 3 different times in our life (possibly 4) and all those different times require a change, in our minds, in our hearts and mostly in our attitude... I want to say before I start, that I have always been a studier of people and life, I love hearing and learning from someone who has experienced what I am experiencing and how they have conquered tough times. I have always had a mentor (or 2) in my life, someone to keep me grounded when I am flighty.. And I must say my main mentor these days is amazing and a true gem, and I love her with my whole heart, she has been where I am in life and is always more then happy to share what she learned.. Anyways, back to the 3 changes, possibly 4....
1) we are children, in the care of our parents... This stage has happy sad times for me, I lived in a home with a lot of dysfunction, but I was Blessed with a mom and dad that loved me like no other. And I know now that Love conquers a multitude of sins (that's in the Bible somewhere, I promise:) and somehow through that dysfunction I seemed to have a greater "village" taking care of me!!! How awesome is that!!! So childhood is great:)
2) Marriage aka young adult, family the works!! This is where my life seemed to shine. I met and married my Jeffie (my knight in shining armor) and we had 2 amazing boys, we had some problems, but looking back I can't see them anymore:) We spent our time on the lake mostly.... boat, jet skies and lots of camping at Jackson.. I had my mother in law as my best friend, along with a group of girls from my bible study to help raise a family. I had a house full of kids, as I had a childcare in my home. The house was full and BUSY!!!! I even volunteered at so much... Boy scout leader, team mom (for many years) Bible Study leader, Victim asst. for Arapahoe County, sat on the board of Arapahoe County Child Care Asso. and more.... I just look at this and it makes me tired, which brings us to now.....
3) Empty nest, the time between the kids gone and not quite to retirement... I think I've struggled here the most...but I must say it seems to be coming together a little more now (after 10 years!!!) This is the time in your life where the kids have grown up and moved away and they have became different, some for the good and some, ummm not so much, but the fact is they are different kids then when they were our little boys.. and that is not so easy sometimes and, at least for me has been the hardest part of my life. THANK GOODNESS for my mentor these days who helps me through the changes and gently reminds me that no one can ever take away our memories, and that we need to spend time remembering those days, but don't camp there. The best part of this time is Jeff and I back to the sweethearts we were in high school, although that looks a little different too, if ya know what I mean, but that love and just the 2 of us is stronger then it has ever been... Also those grand babies, who we don't get to see too much cause their lives are very full, and that is OK now too... Better put a side note here that states that My Boys have turned into amazing men, each so different from when they were boys, but they are both my hero's and I love them lots and lots!!!!
So whats in store now????? I'm working on leaving the past behind and treasuring the memories, but have stopped wishing for things that can never be, because they were only how I seen them in my head in the first place. Also trying to get focused on what and where to go next.... I know if I don't get things going the way I am planning, I'll be just fine. What I do know is, I want to do more volunteering again, this time in the area's that bring me great joy, it seems more important then ever to give back!!! I'm a caregiver by nature and I will pursue that passion. Lord knows there are many places to put myself!!! Also, it is time for Jeff and I to start to explore where and how we can retire and live that part of life. I recently went to my mom's in AZ and think to myself, maybe someday:) I had a fb friend recently post that she had bought a new jazz CD, and just now was remembering how much she loved jazz music, I think this time is for rekindling the things you forgot you loved!!! Change is good and I want to embrace it.... Head on!!! For now I enjoy my LARGE family and amazing friends, I am truly BLESSED!!! and through it all, my hope is to remember, LIFE CHANGES, and LOVE COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS!!!!!! Enjoy your day, and don't forget to give back!!!
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