Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Goin down memory lane............

Here I sit alone, as Jeff is in town Plowing... We had our first plowable snow last night, wind blew like crazy so I have a few drifts out there. I had to climb gates to feed the horses this A.M., nice to know I still can:)........ So anyway I was going to try to get lots done today, but decided it's been crazy busy the last few weeks, so I'm taking a day of rest and may I say it has been wonderful, Getting my thoughts in order!!! I talked with cousin George this morning on SKYPE, I just love this new age, talking to a cousin in Cali and can see him, wow!!! Then Beth called and we talked (too long:) then I got side tracked by PANDORA radio listening to COUNTRY CHRISTMAS music, and of course I had to post it on FB then Colette sent me to Colorado Christmas by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.... Well that got me somehow to Dan Fogleberg, that then had me put him in PANDORA... Well that brought up great stuff like Jim Croce, Crosby Stills & Nash and more.... So now my thoughts have turned to my younger days!!! It got my memories going to dancin around our living room with my babies in my arms.... We did a lot of dancing in our home even when the boys grew up... Sometimes I think it's dangerous to live too much in the past, but today it is making me CRAZY HAPPY!!!! I'm so thankful for my family and all the memories that have been flooding my mind today, yes some tears have fallen too... But mostly I'm thanking the Lord for my life, and praying my boys have those same happy memories in the back of their minds also... Maybe when they turn 50 they will think on some and smile like I have!!! For now I'll continue listening to my  music and smile:):) Right now "Southern Cross" by Crosby, Stills & Nash is playing on my Boise Also heard "Time in a bottle" Oh if we could just save "the good old days"!!! Yep that would be great, but hey in a few years this will be the good old days right????!!!! Have a Blessed day everyone and be thankful for the small stuff!

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